Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow day!

hows it going? well its going really good here. as you can see it just snowed here today and we obviously were playing in. it was loads of fun. me, Joe and Jordan built a snowman 'Wilbur' and we all wanted to make the bottom cause its the biggest part and when we all got done rolling our snowballs they were pretty much the same size so we had to do a little bit of ice sculpting once we got it put together. so that explains how misshapen and huge the head is compared to the rest of the body. if you look closely you can see that we made the hands doing the 'rock on' sign and the "peace" sign (i thought those up) well i got to go do some important gaming so bye

Monday, January 14, 2008


happy new year that was a little late but i said it. i don't got much to say so i lost another tooth so that makes 5 teeth gone right now witch really stinks because i cant eat vary good =(. i don't know what to wright so bye bye-jordan-