Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hey everyone, I just thought since I haven't done a blog in a while I might just drop in and do so. Hm, the hardest thing about writing a blog is what to say...I should have quite a bit to talk about but since I have no life it makes it a wee bit difficult. Well, work is fine, they are cutting back my hours because of the darn economy, I don't understand why people don't want to shop at JCPenny's every day of their life. I'm STILL saving for a car, I should have one by April and I'm super stoked about that! No more ugly suburban=) I meant that in the nicest possible way of course. I'm not going to school this quarter because for me its either school or work. I'ts extreamely difficult for me to manage both. Ummm Lucy's getting bigger and becoming a riot...Lol. She has this new thing where she likes to go into my room, grab my underwear and bring it out to the family to show the treasure she found. Yesterday my momma texted me saying she got into my room again and of course grabbed another one of my unmentionable's and left it laying on the family room floor. My family didnt touch it and left it there all morning for me to take care of when I got home. I was not too happy. Anyways, I'm still looking into a mission trip to Africa soon. I have a strong feeling thats where God's directing me to go. Well, I really have nothing more to say so I'll leave it at that. I love you all and miss the Flude fam very much. Have a Happy Valentines day everyone!

P.S I thought I'd upload a picture my friend Alisha took yesterday, we had fun with it and photoshopped the lighting and blurred the background, it turned out pretty rad actually=)

Love you all, Libby<3